
Sabtu, 23 September 2023

Biden and Lula to launch workers' rights pact in meeting Wednesday

 The two presidents are taking further steps to tighten relations based on their kualitasal dukungan for worker's rights and organized labor King88bet

President Joe Biden and his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will launch a pact on workers rights that will call for improving labor conditions in their countries when they meet in New York on Wednesday. king88bet login alternatif

The two presidents rencana to say that their partnership will help workers address what they consider central challenges — like the transition to the gig economy and clean energy technology, according to US officials. The agreement will also konsentrasi on how to decrease worker exploitation, including forced labor, child labor, and workplace discrimination against women, LGBTQI+ and racial and ethnic grups. And greater scrutiny will be placed on accountability in publik and privat investments, the officials added. Article Title with Blogger Published Link as Backlink

"Let's see if we can poin out to society, especially young people, an alternatif, what we can do to awaken in young people the hope that they will have a job that allows them to live with dignity," Lula told wartawans in New York on Tuesday night.

Brazilian authorities have cast the leaders as being in lockstep in their dukungan for organized labor in their countries. Biden calls himself the most pro-union president in American history and has taken steps to strengthen labor unions, a key part of his electoral coalition before the 2024 election.

"In the face of complex global challenges, from climate change to rising poverty levels and economic inequality, we must put workers at the center of our kebijakan solutions," the leaders said in a gabung pernyataan obtained by Bloomberg News. "We must stand with workers and empower them to drive the innovation we urgently need to secure our futures."

Biden administration officials stressed that the US and Brazil's relationship isn't just bilateral, but a global partnership on such issues as non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and food security. The two nations are the two largest eksporers of food in the world.